4 Resources for Customer Service Skills Training

You don’t need to do everything when it comes to customer service skills training, many resources exist to help you get on the right track to delivering great customer service.

Nowadays employers are finding there are a number of effective customer service skills training systems and programs they can use to bring their staff up-to-date with modern workplace practices.

If there’s one quick way to turn away customers and to destroy your brand image, it’s through bad customer service. Poor customer service in your business can quickly lead to upset customers, loss of revenue, and poor image with potential new customers.

Although it’s common knowledge and most organizations naturally want to delivery great service, there’s great variation in the way that they go about getting their team members up to speed on the latest trends in great service skills. It’s critical that you give your organization plenty of opportunities to get training and to practice the principles that make a difference to the customer. Your people need to have the right mentality when it comes to service, but they also need resources in order to refine their service abilities.

5 Great resources for customer service skills training

These 5 resources are often very an affordable way to help you get started on customer service skills training within your organization and to help you define the right type of customer service strategy that will make a positive impact in your customer experience. Several of these often go unnoticed or get passed up because many don’t realize how easy it is to implement into a regular customer service skills training program.

1. In-house customer skills training

Keeping service skills training in-house is one of the most efficient and effective ways to jump start your employee training program. For mid and large-sized organizations who can afford to have dedicated internal training person can reap great benefits from consistent customer service trainings. If you can’t have a full time training person, or don’t have the time to dedicate to do a weekly customer service skills training, you can always assign team members to take turn in delivering trainings. Arm them with plenty or resources or just point them in the right direction, then give them some time to prepare in advance and you can have your own weekly customer service training program to help your team sharpen their skills.

Focusing on customer service quotes, customer service examples, and helping your team members to understand the importance of customer service skills will deliver bottom-line business results.

2. Use an outside skills expert

Experts exist in all fields of business, including customer service. Speaking from experience, many of them are more than willing to share free customer service tips with you and your organization either by contacting them directly, or by checking our their customer service blog.

Brining in some experts may cost you, so you may have to limit a dedicated expert to a yearly event. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t work with an author, or speaker, or even a customer service blogger to setup an online Webinar or online presentation to train your team one topics beyond the basic service skills. Many experts and Virtual Presenter Services can be contracted to deliver hour long Webinars or online chats with team members for just a few hundred dollars. Far less than the $2,000-$10,000+ that the top experts can charge to speak in person.

3. Provide a skills mentor

On the job coaching of recent workers is another popular way of training for a lot of employers these days. Offering an experienced mentor who has a history of superb customer support skills is the key to training any new team member who will handling customer cases. Mentors are a great resource to help new team members understand the skills needed for customer service.

4. Customer service workshop

There are some coaching companies who offer workshops which might be especially useful for small teams or managers just starting out. It could be a workshop focused on creating a service culture, or more specifically focused on customer service skills, or even managing and inspiring customer support teams. Workshops can also be particularly effective as a way to reinforce the skills that your service team members have gained and are practicing each day.

Ultimately, the result you should see from your customer service skills training is greater dedication to win the customer from your customer support teams. You should see more refined skills, more engaged team members, and best of all, most dedicated customers.






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