5 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for Customer Experience Inspiration

These five thought leaders aren’t just must-follows if you’re an entrepreneur, but their insights can help transform your customer experience and develop greater customer loyalty.

A recent Mashable article listed these five business leaders as must follow Twitter accounts for entrepreneurs. The beauty of Twitter is that it allows us to easily connect with experts and thought leaders and freely drink from the trough of inspiration and apply it to the process of delivering better customer experiences.

5 Thought Leaders That Will Take Your Customer Experience to the Next Level

Twitter is a gold mine for advice and insight, and the best part? It’s free. Here are five successful self-starters who are must-follows if you’re looking for inspiration to take your customer experience to the next level.

1. Richard Branson

Bio: The 62-year-old British billionaire is best known as the founder and chairman of Virgin Group, which owns 400 companies including Virgin Atlantic Airways and Virgin Records.

Tweets about: Business tips, social good campaigns, nature, conservation, travel and everything Virgin.

Customer experience advice: Think big and don’t let anyone tell you your dreams are impossible. Take risks — those are the ones that pay off the most. Don’t be embarrassed to start small. (Branson started Virgin America out of the trunk of his car.)

BONUS! -> Also check out my previous post about Richard Branson’s 7 Rules to Deliver an Exceptional Customer Service Experience.

2. Mark Cuban

Bio: Owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, Landmark Theaters and Magnolia Pictures; judge on ABC’s Shark Tank; author; investor.

Tweets about: Investing, his many business ventures (including his favorite sports team), the changing world of television, media and his family.

Customer experience advice: He recommends sweating out ideas, opening yourself to intellectual diversity, finding a mentor and hiring people who you think will love working for you. A customer service experience journey takes time, effort, and patience in order to fully take effect. It’s by sticking to the master plan and adding little components here and there, like an NBA team, that you make up a championship-caliber customer experience.

3. Marissa Mayer

Bio: Yahoo CEO and president; formerly Google’s first female engineer and employee No. 20.

Tweets about: Yahoo products, Flickr, customer service issues and Yahoo’s newest acquisition, Tumblr.

Customer experience advice: Mayer says it’s all about avoiding burnout. That means spotting potential employee trouble before it happens, finding a work/life balance and being flexible. She gives women entrepreneurs the same advice as men: “If you can find something that you’re really passionate about, whether you’re a man or a woman comes a lot less into play. Passion is a gender-neutralizing force.”

4. Tim Ferriss

Bio: The author, entrepreneur and angel investor became a global sensation with The 4-Hour Workweek and bestsellers The 4-Hour Body and The 4-Hour Chef. Now, he’s an advisor to Facebook, Twitter, Evernote and Uber. He also helped launch the education reform program LitLiberation and belongs to the board of the nonprofit DonorsChoose.

Tweets about: Most often, his books and the four-hour culture. Since his first tweet in 2009, he has tweeted 4,300 times and accrued more than 400,000 followers.

Customer experience advice: He emphasizes “empire building” and communication by refining and practicing a pitch over and over. He also stresses the importance of working backward from your goal and minimizing and automating processes.

5. Jack Dorsey

Bio: Co-founder of Twitter and CEO of Square; recently told 60 Minutes he wants to run for mayor of New York City.

Tweets about: Social good, inspirational quotes, Square, travel photos and videos on Vine.

Customer experience advice: Start small, Dorsey says. Keep a diary, maintain an open flow of communication between employees and managers and make your business transparent. And don’t be afraid to break some rules while you’re at it.

You can also add more leaders to your list of customer experience inspiration!

These are just five to get you started. You can also look for more leaders that inspire you in your quest to deliver a better customer service experience. My list has more. How about yours? Who would you add to this list to create the ultimate customer experience inspiration panel of leaders?






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