How to WOW Customer Service? Master the Art of Marketing Subtlety

At the core of great customer service and wow customer experiences there’s a required discipline that is found in all successful customer service companies.

It’s the art to marketing subtlety. Subtlety is at the core of great customer service and developing a awesome customer experiences.

Seth Godin struck a very nice note in his comment about being subtle in communicating with your audience, it’s extremely applicable to great customer service. The buzz word now is to communicate, but in reality it’s all marketing. It’s the way you share your message with your audience.

Subtle details demonstrate power. Instead of being in an urgent hurry to yell about every feature or benefit, you demonstrate confidence by taking your time and allowing people to explore. They don’t put huge banners on the Hermes store, announcing how good the silk is and how many famous people shop there.

-Seth Godin

Be Subtle in Order to WOW in Customer Service

Being subtle commands a cool, confident tone. It’s the difference between that person you really enjoy being around and working with and the one who’s always in your face, too loud, to extreme. Awesome customer service isn’t just being quirky or the way you write to your customers, format your Web site or emails. Great customer service is the words your choose to use. How you craft your message. How you deliver your message. How you choose to make your words and your message fix customer’s issues, answer their questions, take care of their problems.

Developing client relationships today requires calculated efforts, not just a big bullhorn to get people’s attention. Ask the folks at Zappos, if they just grab the quirky person they want to hire and then throw them out on their call floors to take care of customers. Great customer service never happens like that. There’s careful training and preparation that takes place. There are teams of individuals in the background training, coaching, and mentoring the great people that are hired to provide awesome customer service.

Customer Service Isn’t Fishing, It’s Gardening

It’s not fishing where you cast out your line, reel in your catch, and then you’re done. Good marketing and great customer service today are like a well tendered garden.

Great customer service takes calculated preparation, and small effective tasks done on a daily basis. Customer service requires time at each step of the way to let each careful step take its full effect. The end result is that homegrown full blossomed customer who will be with you for life and will always be on your side. Does that fish you caught and tossed in your cooler have great feelings about you the fisherman? Now, how about that healthy, productive plant in your garden who has benefited from your daily care?






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