Customer service at start-ups isn’t hindered by any existing corporate bureaucracies, and have the unique advantage of being able to build a customer service culture from the ground up.
In any start up, the attention and care that is provided to customers is particularly important; a good customer service in the long term, will probably aid in the creation of a positive image, resulting – if our product or service is an offer of interest—in more sales and increased customer loyalty.
If the clients´ expectations are not fulfilled, they will just not consume what is offer, they will complain or even worse, they will tell their acquaintances that they were badly treated.
There are some rules that should be followed to provide a good customer service:
1) Use customer service to listen effectively
The first thing that has to be remembered is the importance of listening customers. It is important to maintain an open and fluid communication with current and potential consumers. This allows a constant contact with the clients and enables companies to understand their needs and adapt the offer or create new ones that can satisfy their requirements.
This rule is very significant and the only things that is need is time and desire to do it. When listening and understanding the clients, always beat expectations.
2) Post-sale monitoring with customer service
It is a mistake to think that the relationship with customers finish once the sale is made; on the contrary, this is just the beginning. The relationship begins when the client recognizes the existence of a brand and they want to buy what is offered.
Once the decision to purchase is made, it is a good idea to maintain a close relation with the customers, for instance via text messages, Facebook, Twitter accounts, forums, or emails. It is important to maintain that relationship by asking them about their experiences with the products and services and to inform them about the latest news. This task can be carried out by any company and does not require a huge investment of money, just spending a some time. The result will gives a lot of information to improve the offer.
3) Qualified customer service staff
A starting entrepreneurship does not probably have a customer support staff. However, designate a persons to be in charge of solving the different situations that can appear when the products or services are being used, is essential. This person who has direct contact with potential or existing customers has a great obligation; it is because of them that a customer can fell satisfied or not with a company. They are the face of the company; and depending on the attention the customers received, shall be de perception and the opinion they have. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to this selection.
4) Give effective customer service answers
The customer is always right, or not? What must be understood is that the customer has not the absolute reason about things, but they have their own reason based on their subjective view of reality. A company should never respond directly to a client´s request by refusing it; on the contrary, it is essential to listen to what the client wants and to give an answer to this, being as comprehensive as possible. Even though the company should not do what the client wants, it should provide the clients with a rational explanation that see eye to eye with the parameters and values that the enterprise handles.
Customer service complaints offer a great opportunity
Nowadays, complaints can be a great threat. Because of the new technologies, people can express their thought through forums or using the social networks and with a simple search, the company can become associated with negative information. Therefore, it is essential for every enterprise to develop rules like the once explained before to efficiently manage the customer service and to really care for the clients because they are what gives support to every enterprise.
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