Do You Have a Customer Service Bill of Rights

The customer service bill of rights should guarantee a number of personal customer freedoms, limit corporate power, ensure checks and balances regarding customer issues, and reserve certain powers to the customer public.

The Customer Service Bill of Rights ensures that customers are cared for properly and protected from corporate powers, gives rights to customers when it comes to customer service matters, and guarantees a number of certain rights all customers need and expect from their service providers.

Monique Castillo recently outlined some of these tenets of the customer service bill of rights on the Impact Learning blog. Some of the critical needs of all customers include:

The right to be:

  • Lis­tened to and under­stood
    Cus­tomers want to know that you truly hear what they’re say­ing. What’s more impor­tant is that you under­stand what your cus­tomer really wants or needs.
  • Taken seri­ously
    Cus­tomers want you to rec­og­nize the .importance—at least to them—of their con­cerns and needs.
  • Served in a timely way
    Cus­tomers want to be taken care of in an effi­cient and timely manner.
  • Treated with respect
    Cus­tomers want to be treated as val­ued and respected individuals.
  • Treated with sen­si­tiv­ity
    Cus­tomers trust you to be car­ing and pro­fes­sional at all times.

How will you protect the rights of your customers?

Do you have a customer service bill of rights that outlines how you will operate when it comes to working with your customers?

What safeguards are in place to ensure that your customers receive the type of service they deserve?

What’s the stop an individual or executive in your organization from shortchanging, undercutting, or skimping out on the customer service experience to save a buck?






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