Does Customer Service Know What’s Expected?

Clarity of expectation, perhaps the most basic of employee needs in the workplace, is critical to customer service performance.

Do your customer service agents really know what is expected of them? Or better yet, do they know what a successful result of their work looks like?

Approximately half of American workers are unclear about what they are supposed to do at work.

Sounds bizarre, but we’re talking about doing more than showing up and working a full 8 hours. We often take for granted what it means to really work.

But in order to get the most from your customer service people and call center agents, it takes more than expecting work to happen. We need to clearly express what successful work is and set the right expectations for the results from work performed.

The higher purpose of work

For a call center agent working in customer service, it’s not enough to say “take care of the customer” or “answer customer phone calls”. Those are actions completely devoid of meaning. What is needed, instead, is direct tie of the job function to the overall mission or purpose for the work being done.

Exceptional customer service happens when agents work towards a higher purpose than the simple job function performed. No longer are customer questions answered, but a service team expertly resolves all customer concerns within one customer contact ensuring that customers get the most from their product without the need for additional customer service help. Phone calls aren’t just answered within 30 seconds, but customer service ensures that the customer’s valuable time rarely wasted when they contact customer service.

Truly exceptional customer experience

Employees generally know their job title and understand general job functions. They can go through the motions and can perform the right actions. But in order to really engage the employee in a higher purpose, and get the most in terms of results, they have to see the ultimate purpose for their work.






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