Customer service leadership is clearly having a strategy for customer experience and bringing out excellence in others to carry out the service vision.
The simple definition of a leader is someone who has control of influence over people around them. But another, better definition of a leader is one who others follow and are inspired by their presence, influence, and action.
Mediocre leaders lead by force, authority, position, or charisma. Truly effective, transformational leaders lead by inspiration, vision, and effectiveness.
What is your customer service leadership legacy?
Your company is not your legacy. The product your offer or the service you support are not your legacy. Those are merely objects or actions. They are temporary. They are fleeting. They meet a need today, but it’s easy gone and forgotten tomorrow.
The connections you make, however, can last for a lifetime.
Where you are aware of it or not, as you advance you are creating your reputation and your legacy. The things you say, how you say them. The things you do, what you stand for. Your principles. Your desires. Your affirmations. Those are lasting.
Can your customer service last forever?
Your company has a goal and a purpose. It is meeting a market need. It will support the humans who work there, and their families. It will provide quality goods or services to its market. But the results your organization delivers are temporary. They’re merely transactions. They’re not lasting. Your customer service actions won’t last forever, the serve merely the temporary needs of customers.
Your influence and legacy, on the other hand, have the opportunity to last beyond the usefulness of the product or service your team provides. Your customer service principles, and the customer relationships you develop, can last forever.
Understanding true leadership
No one has risen to a position of leadership by submitting his or her way there. Blind submission is contrary to the definition and character of a leader. Leaders are not rogue contrarians, taking an oppositional position to every suggestion. But neither are they sycophants, approving every utterance of the person above them on the organizational chart.
What is good leadership? What is good customer service leadership? Have you mastered the art of leadership? Are you developing good leadership skills? Do you understand the difference of leadership vs. management? Those are questions that should always be on the mind of the transformational, inspirational leaders, the leaders who legacy last for a lifetime and beyond.
Leadership is bringing out the excellence of others
A leader is NOT just developing his or her personal excellence, which includes having an opinion and the wherewithal to defend it. But a true leader realizes that the actions performed today are just that, for today. The most effective leaders, and customer service leadership is bringing out the excellence of others.
We all have talents. We all have skills. But the best leaders are those who can bring out those skills, abilities, and talents and inspire those around them to continually use them to carry out the master vision of service.
The principles behind how those actions are performed, how the words used are chosen, the connections made with customers, the reason and purpose behind the service being done, and the degree to which we help others around perform at their best, that’s a customer service legacy.
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