Thanks for Shutting Down Reader Google, I Now Know Feedly

Google shocked the Internet world by announcing the Google Reader is shutting down. This is the best thing that could have happened because I now know Feedly.

Feedly has come to the rescue. Without Google’s decision to shut down Reader, I’d be stuck in its backward and 1999 RSS reading application today. But I am not. I now have Feedly.

Feedly is a fantastically simple and refreshing RSS reader, the perfect alternative to Google Reader.

Feedly exists for the following platforms and browsers:

Feedly for iOS
Feedly for Android
Feedly for Chrome
Feedly for Firefox
Feedly for Safari

Thank you Feedly!

I decided to give the Chrome plugin a try, here is what it looks like:

Feedly Google Reader Alternative

Feedly also offer a number of viewing options to give you control over how you read your content:

Feedly Google Reader Alternative

Feedly Google Reader Alternative

Feedly is the perfect alternative to Google Reader

Feedly will connect to Google Reader and import all your stuff. If you sign in with them, Feedly will automatically port over all of your Google Reader subscriptions automatically. No need to export and import into another service. Just let Feedly do it all for you. Google Reader shut down problem fixed!

The interface is beautiful and I have the app available for all of my techie devices. Thank you Feedly for giving me an option on how I choose to consume my content on the Internet. You are the perfect alternative for Google Reader.

If you want to know more about feedly, check out this post






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