Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
Consumer Reviews – Implementing Useful Business Changes
Customer feedback and consumer reviews are very important aspects of any business activity.
3 Case Studies in Successful Social Media Customer Engagement
Social media has become a major tool for marketers. But even though most small businesses use social media, it doesn’t mean they’re using it effectively. If you can get a Instagram followers service to help that works best.
Supply and Demand: Why Consumers Desire Mobile Payments and E-Receipts
This year, the number of people using a third-party, touch-based system to make payments on their smart devices will increase 150 percent, according to Deloitte Global. That figure indicates a reach to some 50 million regular users. It seems consumers are quickly adapting to mobile payment systems in droves, but many companies have neglected to…
5 Reasons Why Customers Can’t Find Your Company Online – Marketing
Without the proper website construction and marketing campaign, your business is going to remain lost online. There are several ways to increase your exposure, and most of the methods only require a little time and effort.
Is the Customer Always Right? 4 Facts That Prove It
The saying “the customer is always right” has been around for so long that we seldom give it much thought. The real question, however, is whether or not it’s true.
3 Ways to Automate Customer Service with Human Connections
One of the big challenges for brands using social media for customer service—and also making an effort to proactively reach out to customers with live chat and chatbots on their website—is striking a balance between customer service automation and real human connections.
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