Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
In Customer Service, Is the Customer Really Always Right?
Is the customer always right? Does that ultimately really matter? Every business owner or company manager needs to properly understand the needs of the clients because future business depends on it. Isn’t meeting customer needs really the main factor when it comes to the success of the business?
Using Six Sigma to Improve Customer Experience and Service
Six Sigma for customer service includes identifying factors which are critical for the quality of the service required customers. Focus is placed on improving efficiencies, capabilities, and stability of service and the customer service system to support six sigma.
10 Ways Customer Service Wins Customers Without Selling #Infographic
The secret to effective customer service sales without having to sell is to understand customers wants, needs, and delivering those.
When Did Bad Customer Service Become The Standard of Service?
Can you really avoid making those critical mistakes that turn your eager customers into raving mad detractors? Has it really been that long since the customer was always right, since orders were received with a smile (even on the web), and since company screw-ups were dealt with promptly and with class?
Set Realistic Service Goals That Build Positive Customer Experiences
Consistently setting realistic service goals is critical to the process of developing your core customer experience.
Wow With Experience When Service Mistakes Happen
It’s inevitable. Mistakes will happen. Things break, systems go down, people fail. But these tough moments don’t have to be disastrous, mistakes present an opportunity to create a memorable experience.
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