Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
Hire Your Way To A World-Class Customer Experience, One Agent at a Time
Organizations that “get” customer experience and are known for their excellent customer service, realize that it’s more about the people you assemble to serve than the processes you have in place.
How Important Is Customer Service in Customer Experience? It’s Everything. [INFOGRAPHIC]
83% of online customers need customer service help in order to complete a purchase. Is your experience meeting customer needs?
Moving Forward With E-commerce Trends of 2014, Customer Experience is Everything
Mobile has been essential to engage with customers, but it takes more than a mobile contact channel for a complete customer experience and to make the sale. And customers expect there to be more.
Why Customer Service is Hard to Perfect, But It Doesn’t Mean You Can Ignore It
Despite its importance, very few companies are actually able to perfect the art of providing truly excellent customer service.
Customer Satisfaction With Retail Is At An All Time High, Even With Online Sales Growing
Customer satisfaction with brick and mortar retailers is at an all time high, up now three years in a row. Has retail finally figured out customer experience?
When Customers Are Wrong, What Should Customer Service Do? Keep Serving Customers.
The customer is not always right, but proving the customer wrong doesn’t win the customer and will most likely cause you to lose future business.
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