Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
Putting the Customer Service Pieces Together with Self-Service
Self-service customer service isn’t a tactic to offload customer service volume, but a real contact channel that is critical to a new generation of customers today.
You Can’t Please Everyone With Great Customer Service
Even with best efforts to deliver exceptionally great customer service, some customers refuse to be content even when given the best service you can offer.
Get Your Holiday Campaigns Out on Social Networks
Social media is an effective way to improve the customer experience, and get the word out on specials from your business during the holidays.
7 Noble Pursuits of Great Customer Service Leaders
Your customer service actions are all for naught unless you focus on the factors that create real positive customer experience impact for your customers.
Multi-Channel Shopping Means Multi-Channel Customer Service
While many retailers may have embraced multi-channel shopping, the idea of multi-channel customer service is often overlooked, despite playing a vital role.
The Evolution of the Customer Service Experience [INFOGRAPHIC]
A study of more than 8,000 consumers showed that 74 percent of customers use at least three channels when interacting with customer service.
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