Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
Customer Service: Learning Life Lessons from Failure
Good customer service experiences have the key characteristics in common: they communicate, offer choices, and follow up to ensure that needs and are met.
Where Did the Good Customer Service Go?!
When did delivering good customer service become so uncool? Good customer service is focused on solutions to problems, not reasons why problems happened.
In a Hotel, Every Job is Part of the Customer Experience
Nearly every city has a hotel, and chances are you are overlooking the important customer experience role that hotel jobs have to offer.
Do You Have a Customer Service Bill of Rights
The customer service bill of rights should guarantee a number of personal customer freedoms and reserves certain powers to the customer public.
5 Common Mistakes That Derail Your Customer Experience
It’s always wiser to learn from others’ customer service mistakes and not your own. If you don’t watch, you’re bound to fall.
Are You Doing a Good Job Managing Your Customer Service Progression?
In order to deliver best in class customer service, you have to constantly reflect on the progression of your team’s delivery of right customer results.
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