Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
Are You Doing a Good Job Managing Your Customer Service Progression?
In order to deliver best in class customer service, you have to constantly reflect on the progression of your team’s delivery of right customer results.
10 Free and Easy Creative Ways to Show Employee Appreciation
These simple and easy tips for employee appreciation will help make someone’s day without spending more than $1.
What is Best in Class Customer Service?
Many organizations think they are “best in class” when it comes to customer service, but few customers would agree that they really are.
Work is Important Because of Your Connection With People
It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, or what your goals are, personal relationships run the world.
Go Hard on the Soft Skills for Better Customer Service
In today’s world, a lot of times we think HARD is better. Work hard! Play hard! Drive a hard bargain! But it’s the soft skills that often make the greatest impact in the customer service experience. Hard may mean strength such as “hard as a rock” versus soft which may seam weak as in “Don’t…
Giving Thanks for Customer Service Challenges
It’s often in our customer service problems that we learn the most valuable lessons and develop the greatest inner strength. Do we take time to give thanks for these challenges that benefit us so much?
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