Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
5 Customer Service Myths You Can’t Fall For #Infographic
Not receiving complaints about customer service doesn’t always mean that you’re getting customer service right with your customers.
5 Effective Customer Retention Strategies and Why They Work
For most companies retaining customers can be a difficult task, these 5 customer retention tips hope to make keeping customers loyal a little bit easier.
Ask the Experts: How to Handle Customer Feedback
Customer feedback is the critical gauge that helps determine if your business is on the right course.
The High Cost of Customer Service Downtime #Infographic
Nearly 50% of customers will avoid a brand in the future if they’ve had to wait more than 5 minutes because of customer service downtime.
10 Ways You Can Improve Customer Service Today
10 action-focused tips on how to improve customer service make all the difference to customers and those who serve them.
3 Principles of Customer Loyalty You Can Implement in Any Call Center
There are three principles a business must focus on to encourage customer loyalty and increase share of wallet.
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