Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience

Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals

  • 5 Keys To Being A Good Leader For Your Small Business

    When you are starting a small business, every little thing can be of the utmost importance when it comes to determining your success or failure. But one thing that will hold more weight than perhaps anything else, comes down to you. If a business is to succeed, it will need a good leader. Someone who…

  • Easy Tips To Take Your Small Business To The Next Level You Can Start Today

    First-time small business owners strive to take their business to the next level. In many instances, it’s a case of trial and error. See what works, learn from what doesn’t. Too many wrong decisions and you may be out of business before you know it.

  • Thanks for Shutting Down Reader Google, I Now Know Feedly

    Google shocked the Internet world by announcing the Google Reader is shutting down. This is the best thing that could have happened because I now know Feedly. Feedly has come to the rescue. Without Google’s decision to shut down Reader, I’d be stuck in its backward and 1999 RSS reading application today. But I am…

  • In Defense of RSS Feeds, Why Google is Wrong for Shutting Down Reader

    I was SHOCKED when I heard that Google was shutting down Reader. This is a tragedy. Don’t let the social media marketers tell you what, when, and how you will consume your content. The Internet world died a little today when Google announced that it was shutting down it’s RSS Reader service.

  • Customers Can Get Revenge Against Crappy Customer Service

    Ever buy a product online that you absolutely despised, only to despise it even more when you call up customer service? This happens far too often. Companies sell their products just to make money, and they don’t really care what happens afterwards. Before you feel completely defeated in this process, know that there is hope.…

  • Creating an Exceptional, Winning Corporate Culture of Trust

    If your fellow employees trust you, and you establish a corporate culture of trust, your programs will have a good chance for success. If they don’t trust you or your corporate culture, your programs will never succeed. So, as you rise in the management ranks, how do you plan to build trust with your employees? What…

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