Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience

Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals

  • Customer Input: Making People Feel Good About Doing Business With You

    Customer service is what defines any business. It is a unique quality that varies from business to business, ultimately determining what it is that makes them special to the customer. Thus, it is indisputable that any brand or organization must take their on-going relationship with the customer seriously.

  • How Winning Customer Service Can Help Win Back Lost Customers

    How many customers can you stand to lose each year? 10 percent? 20 percent? Regardless of the number, each customer lost means that your organization has to work that much harder to win an extra customer to make up for the lost one.

  • 5 Tips to Win the Customer with Great Customer Service

    To win the customer, customer service focus has to be the mission of the entire organization. A company’s orientation to its customers is a mission-critical decision that can make or break the most sound business models.

  • 5 Golden Rules to Motivate Customer Service Teams

    Customer focused organizations with massive customer loyalty realize that it’s their customer service teams that matter most in delivering the type of customer experience that keeps customer coming back. And because the customer service expert can make such a difference, the most successful organization go to great lengths to ensure that the right atmosphere created…

  • 4 Resources for Customer Service Skills Training

    You don’t need to do everything when it comes to customer service skills training, many resources exist to help you get on the right track to delivering great customer service. Nowadays employers are finding there are a number of effective customer service skills training systems and programs they can use to bring their staff up-to-date…

  • Challenges For IT in Data Mobility and Security in BYOD

    One of the biggest advantages of cloud, i.e. mobility of data for it to be accessed from anywhere, is also its greatest hurdle in ensuring data security in virtual environment. Data security has been a challenge for cloud based technology adopters since beginning. It has remained one of the biggest concerns for organizations in embracing…

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