Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
6 Reasons Why You Can’t Ignore Customer Service In the Age of the Customer
As world economies remain relatively sluggish, organizations are investing heavily in improving their customer experience. Why is that? What is the payoff? This is a guest post by Shaun Belding, author of “Win at Work: navigate the nasties, get things done and get ahead”. Historically, it’s always been considered a ‘soft skill,’ or something that was common…
Putting the Customer Back in Customer Service
Customer service is more than just answering the phone. It’s creating a relationship the ones who keep us in business, the customer. Customer needs should be the focus of implementing any new program, the motivation behind customer feedback, and central to decisions made by the organization.
Motivating Customer Service People to Retain Top Customer Service Talent
One of the plagues of customer service is that companies have high turnover rates leading to loss of productivity, efficiency, and lower customer satisfaction. Many organizations in their attempt to generate the best from their people resort to intense pressure and coercion to create customer service results. This is a temporary solution with drastic, negative…
10 Principles of Winning Customer Experience You Can Act On Today
Great customer experience don’t just happen, they require vision, planning, and consistent execution in order to deliver the type of service experiences that create customer loyalty. The principles of winning customer experiences aren’t complex. You don’t need to purchase expensive training systems or software.
Discover Your Customer Service Brand Before You Start Serving
Your brand doesn’t just have to be a marketing or sales campaign, customer service can be an effective brand to establish a solid relationship with customers and contribute to a culture of customer service. Having a recognizable brand is key to establishing the basis for your customer relationship. Your brand, like your reputation, often times…
Worry Less and Do More About Customer Experience
Your own fear and worry is often one of the biggest obstacles keeping you from delivering an exceptional customer service experience for your customers. We are our own worst enemies, right? We are our biggest critic. We are the worst bully. We tear ourselves down. We magnify EVERY imperfection. We stop ourselves from dreaming.
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