Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
4 Keys to Create Perfect Customer Service with Six Sigma
It costs a lot to acquire a new customer, but lean-six sigma applied to customer service excellence can increase customer loyalty and retention, adding additional value to each new customer acquired. The challenge customer service managers face is to balance the operational needs of the organization with the practical needs of the customer.
Creating Winning Customer Service Experiences That Matter to Customers
After each customer interaction, the greatest question is, was the customer experience enough to keep that customer doing business in the future? There’s a vast amount of research and special studies that take place looking into what makes a winning customer service experience.
- Blogging Better to Better Customer Service
Sometimes the best customer service inspiration you can get will come from those doing fantastic things in completely unrelated industries. I want to win customers. I love learning what other people and organizations are doing to build massive audiences of loyal customers. To do that, I read a lot. I follow lots of customer service…
Ditch The Dumb Customer Service Rules That Destroy the Service Culture
The size of the workplace is typically proportional to the amount of red tape and dumb rules in place that prevents good customer service from happening with each customer interaction.
6 Pitfalls of Customer Experience Management and How to Handle Them All
In terms of calibrating the customer experience, a number of firms have preconceived concepts as to what really does and doesn’t perform, 6 main problems keep these organizations from delivering the best customer service experience. In terms of calibrating the Customer Experience, a number of firms have preconceived concepts as to what really does and…
3 Keys to Better Customer Service and Evaluating CRM Software
Customer service knows that the customer is king. CRM tools are the key to understanding your “king” and allowing your service teams to deliver the royal customer experience your customers deserve. Everyone agrees customer loyalty is important. Where we part ways is how to get it. Building customer loyalty requires connecting the right customers with…
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