Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
6 D’s that Motivate Great Customer Service
Motivation is not automatic. Your ability, skill or whatever you do is a vehicle and motivation is the driver that will help you deliver exceptional customer service. No one is going to hand it to you. Don’t expect a manager, a trainer, or someone else to pick you up and magically turn you into Tony…
4 Tips for Powerful Customer Service Employee Reviews
Coaching effective employee reviews is about overcoming the tendency to create dependence on managers, but creating independence in the individual employee.
Why Customer Service Online Matters
24 – 48 hours for an email reply is unacceptable customer service today. You should never send an auto-reply telling a customer to just sit and wait.
Funny Customer Service Stories You’ll Never Forget
Dealing with the typical customer service issues you face at work can make things become quite mundane, luckily there are those funny customer service moments that make it all worth it. It doesn’t happen every day, most days are just regular taking care of your regular customer service issues: can’t log in, need helping finding…
8 Key Statistics for Technology in Customer Experience
It’s no longer enough to just throw up a Web site and expect to be successful in creating an effective online customer experience. The Web is an ever more competitive place and consumers are incorporation more sources of technology in their purchasing process. It used to be enough to get someone you know to build…
50+ Steve Jobs Tribute Art You Must See (Huge Collection!)
Is it over the top to say that Steve Jobs was the Thomas Edison of my generation? The Leonardo DaVinci of the 90’s and 2000’s? The Albert Einstein of today? I don’t think so. Apple products have changed the way we…well, do everything. I remember back when I’d rock a Palm Pilot at school and get glares…
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