Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience

Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals

  • Customer Service is Not Passive, Be Active

    In customer service you can go far. Really far. If you really apply yourself, it’s an easy way to climb the corporate ranks and settle into a high level customer service management position or even make the jump into marketing or corporate training. Another reason why it’s an easy path? It’s an area flooded with…

  • WordPress Change The_Excerpt Default Length

    By default, WordPress displays post excerpts of 55 words. However, this little snippet of code can easily change the default length of the excerpt on any WordPress post. Most WordPress themes will use the built-in WordPress function called the_excerpt(); to create a 55 word summary of your WordPress post. This summary is simply the first…

  • Is High Customer Service Hold Times The New Normal?

    New customer demands aren’t unusual, they’re normal. For great customer service, you have act. For an exceptional customer experience, you have to adapt. One of the core functions of our team is to obtain information from various service providers. Customer service can be a frustrating line of work. Each day we’re on the phone trying…

  • The Micromanaging Epidemic

    If you haven’t ever had a micromanager at work, you will soon. There’s an epidemic in business today and it’s the complaint about micromanaging at work. People often complain about a micromanaging boss and most of the time it’s wrong. You are not being micromanaged. Dealing with a micromanaging boss. Just because your boss hangs…

  • Deliver Customer Service Results

    It’s in our nature to want to accomplish. We all find ourselves there are some point. Frustrated you didn’t get as much done as you thought you would, or you wanted to. Sometimes it’s at the end of a particular day. Sometimes, it’s at the end of a tough week. Too often, it’s at the…

  • Don’t Hate Your Customers, Love Their Imperfections

    There’s a growing trend among customer service people to blog about how much they hate customers. It’s sad to see so many of customer service people lack the vision of real customer service. No, customers are not always perfect, in fact, they rarely are. The customer is NOT always right…but they are ALWAYS the customer.

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