Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
Don’t Hate Your Customers, Love Their Imperfections
There’s a growing trend among customer service people to blog about how much they hate customers. It’s sad to see so many of customer service people lack the vision of real customer service. No, customers are not always perfect, in fact, they rarely are. The customer is NOT always right…but they are ALWAYS the customer.
In Customer Experience, It’s Never Too Late.
A beautiful aspect of working in customer service and customer experience, is that I’m doing what I love. I sincerely love architecting customer service and understanding the customer thought process and how I can mold our systems, offerings, words, and actions to develop a better customer service experience.
The Foundation of a Good Customer Service Program
On my book shelf at work I have A LOT of customer service books, and I’ve read nearly all of them. I’m often asked if I’ve read all of those books on customer service. My reply? Yes. I’m always interested in learning what customer service means to different people and how different organizations interpret customer…
The Most Dangerous Kind of Customer Service Feedback
The tech world recently erupted when the customer service experience broke down and a startup company was caught extorting money from its clients. What could simply have been a misunderstanding or poor training on the part of an over-zealous sales person turned into an ugly customer service exchange as the CEO of the startup stepped…
15 Ways to Get More Effective Employee Trainings
Do you find your employee trainings covering the same topics over and over again but the same problems keep taking place? If so, you’re not alone. We expect our employees to be consistent with their customer service delivery to customers.
5 W’s to Better Customer Service Communication
Communication one of the fundamental principles in getting great customer service right. We want to communicate with customers and we want to develop lasting, loyal customer relationships. The trouble often times comes in understanding the strategy behind customer service communication. 5 W’s will help you develop effective customer service communication. In 1948 Laswell proposed a…
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