Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
How to Provide Good Customer Service on the Internet
Although it’s all virtual, it’s all “reality” when it comes to customer service on the Internet. You have to understand how to provide good customer service on the Internet in order to deliver the best customer experience. Customer service is not without its fair share of misunderstanding, dissatisfaction, disappointment, frustration, obstinance, rejection, obstacles, even anger.…
Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective Customer Experience
Customer experience is more than just service. Stephen Covey, best-selling author, teacher, and mentor, was a master of customer experience. With Covey’s passing, I dedicate this post to Covey, a master of experience who taught us to think abundantly and be willing to share and help those who ask for assistance.
5 Essentials of Customer Service Skills Today
Customer service is part of the buying decision, and those who offer great service to customers distinguish them among the rest of the competition. This is the main reason why many successful companies make this an important element in their agenda. Many businesses go out of their way and hire professionals with outstanding service oriented…
7 Most Important Words in Customer Experience
A great customer experience happens where great service takes place. For us to be able to deliver exceptional customer experiences, it’s essential that we correctly understand the nature of customer experience, customer service, and customers themselves.
What’s Your Customer Experience Advantage?
Think of how your customer experience keeps customers coming back? Do you have a plan? Do you follow a model? Michael Porter, author of the customer experience competitive advantage, describes the 3 competitive advantage models which incorporate some type of customer experience. Not all customer experiences are the same. Each customer experience competitive advantages comes with…
Slideshare: Zappos’ Tony Hsieh On Customer Service
Zappos is iconic for its customer experience through quirky, yet excellent customer service. Think customer service doesn’t matter? Don’t tell that to Zappos. Customer service REALLY matters at Zappos. Customer service is part of the ongoing success of the organization.
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