Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
7 Customer Experience Rules from Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin
Branson didn’t achieve the success he has today by saying “no” at opportunities to do new things, be bold in how deliver your customer experience and meet the needs and wants of customers.
3 Reasons Why Your Customer Service Training Stinks
You spend hours preparing and delivering customer service training to your team members, but your customers keep getting the same lousy service experience. Sound familiar? It’s not that you aren’t motivated, or that you aren’t talented, and no, your people aren’t incompetent. The problem is that effective customer service training is a process with action,…
86% of Customers Pay More For Better Customer Experience
SURVEY RESULT: 86 percent of U.S. adults will pay more for a better customer experience. So why do companies continue to cut customer service costs and increase spending on marketing? Customer service is a hard job. I’ve previously discussed how customer service is harder than programming, but there’s something even harder than the work customer…
3 Super C’s of Customer Service That Create Loyal Customers
For most organizations, creating a customer service process that creates loyal customers is a constant challenge. In the day-to-day rush of trying to keep up with customer demands, it’s easy to lose sight of the principles and practices that have the greatest effect in the customer experience. It’s critical that you don’t deny the importance…
Getting Customer Experience Buy-In From Senior Management
Associate $$$ (either saved or earned) to your customer experience process and you’ll have all the support you need. About 25% of all comments, emails, and feedback from people I work with is along the lines of “those are all great ideas, but I just can’t get my company onboard“.
5 Traits of Great Customer Service
One of the questions I’m asked frequently by people in various organization is: What is great customer service? We seem to know some of the actions many customer service people perform, but have a difficult time actually defining what great customer service really is. The problem is that without an accurate understanding of the essence…
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