Set Realistic Service Goals That Build Positive Customer Experiences

Consistently setting realistic service goals is critical to the process of developing your core customer experience.

Setting goals is not simply throwing out an easy number to achieve, nor is it asking your team to achieve the impossible.

Consistently setting goals is part of the process of developing your team in the organization.

Goals shouldn’t be based on what round number looks would look great to your superiors. A realistic goal for your team should stretch your team, cause them to focus on working smarter, faster, harder.

Realistic Goals Inspire Positive Action

Realistic goals should be realistically possible to achieve. This means that you know what your team is capable of. You understand your potential market, the current conditions, and historical trends.

In conjunction with goal setting, managers must do their homework and have data to support the goal. If you’ve been given a goal that is not realistic, your data will give your superiors and idea of what the landscapes looks like.

Data Must Drive Goal Setting

With data to support your claim, they will then either modify your goal, or ask you to achieve the unlikely. Either way you’ve shown the data supporting your claim.

If you then achieve the goal, you reap the benefits of success. If not, then your data backs up your claim to revising the original goal.






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