Tweetily will automatically tweet your old WordPress posts for you driving massive Twitter traffic to your WordPress blog.
You’ve got your great blog content, now let Tweetily tweet WordPress posts automatically and drive traffic to your site! Tweetily is one of the MUST HAVE plugins for every blogger who wants to continue to drive traffic to their site automatically!
Tweetily is a FREE WordPress plugin that will randomly pick your posts and tweet WordPress posts automatically to your Twitter account! Just activate and sit back and let the traffic start rolling in.
How does Tweetily Tweet WordPress Posts Automatically?
- Countdown to the next time you’ll tweet WordPress posts automatically!
- Use OAuth (log in straight from Twitter) to connect to your Twitter account!
- Set a minimum time between it will tweet WordPress posts for you!
- Use random time intervals so you automatically tweet WordPress posts naturally!
- Set minimum and maximum age of posts that will be shared automatically!
- Choose the number of posts your want to share automatically!
- Tweet WordPress POSTS and PAGES!
- Choose to exclude whole categories or individual posts!
All this completely FREE! You can tweet WordPress posts backed with free customer service from the Customer Service Management Coach!
So what’s so special about having something tweet WordPress posts?
You’ve spent your time creating and writing great content online. You’ve had your initial traffic based on your new posts…now what?
Tweetily will keep sharing your great content online and let the rest of the Twitter community enjoy that great content you’re sharing online! Set it and forget it. Let Tweetily do the hard work of sharing posts on Twitter.
Drive Traffic with Tweetily and Tweet WordPress Posts Automatically!
Don’t wait any longer. Get Tweetily today!
- Download from WordPress Plugin Repostitory. (coming soon!)
- Download directly from here!
Head on over to the WordPress plugin site and get Tweetily!
Let it start working to tweet WordPress posts for your automatically and make your WordPress content keep working for you!
Version 4.1 of the plugin is now available and fixes the login issue that many reported after Twitter’s update to their API for external plugin access. Translation: Update to 4.1 and all of your wildest dreams will come true!
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