Effective Employee Service Coaching Tips

Employee coaching is the business art of helping each individual employee not only fulfill their responsibilities, but also be able to master their role within the organization. It may also be the most effective way to ensure that each employee is progressing in their role and are not becoming stagnant in the workplace.

Coaching is often an afterthought in the work place as many managers either don’t see the value in it, or fail to make the time commitments to following through with their coaching plans. It’s crucial that when managers begin to implement one-on-one coaching with their employees, that they understand that effective coaching requires a commitment to following through with each employee in order to see the maximum return.

Do It

Just staying committed to regular sessions with each employee will ensure that the employee knows that his or her manager is following up on the coaching items and that improvement will need to be demonstrated. Regular coaching sessions also allow for the making of minor corrections and adjustments in the work being done, which is much easier than trying to correct big mistakes that have been taking place for a long period of time.

Focus on the Positive

Much too often, coaching focuses on the negative things being done. Although correction needs to be done when appropriate, the key is “when appropriate”. Don’t let the individual management idiosyncrasies or personal styles force others to have to do things a certain way. Each employee may develop a pattern that is easiest or fastest for them, and this is ok. As long as the work is being done and in a timely manner, one man’s chaos, is another’s controlled pattern.

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Guide Towards Empowerment

Too often managers want to exercise control, it’s the natural human tendency. You should build up your employees so that they can do their work almost without their managers intervention in day to day things. That’s the key to employee coaching, developing a master at their specific role in the organization, not drones that need to come for instruction every few minutes and with each individual task. As much as it may satisfy our ego as a manager, it’s poor management and furthermore, you’re not doing the employee any favors. In the end, you will find frustration with long-time employees who never seem to be able to take ownership of their day-to-day tasks and who never become fully comfortable with their roles.

Are you searching for an expert career coach? Contact Julie Han Coaching.






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