Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience
Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals
4 Best Technologies for Small Businesses
Running and maintaining a small business is a challenge. Because of limited personnel and limited financial resources, small business owners often need to wear multiple hats to keep their business afloat like the use of another address for their mailbox company. Use a virtual office address where the service provider will forward all of your…
3 of the Most Common Customer Service Complaints
As a business owner, you understand the importance of keeping your valued customers happy; after all, a happy customer usually means a repeat customer.
3 Ways to Turn Negative PR Into Positive PR
Public relations disasters are many companies’ worst nightmares.
Why Build a Contact Center Instead of a Call Center?
The cloud-based contact center market is growing at an explosive compound annual growth rate of 23.6 percent, on track to increase from $5.43 billion in 2016 to $15.67 billion by 2020, Markets and Markets projects.
4 New Year’s Resolutions Every Small Business Should Make
Still looking to make some resolutions for 2018? Don’t forget to make a few for your small business, too. Much like in your personal life, you can take a number of proactive steps this year to positively impact your business.
Improving Brand Loyalty and the Customer Experience Through Cybersecurity
When you think about attracting and retaining new customers to your business, you might focus on the importance of having a team of friendly and capable employees devoted to making them feel welcome and appreciated. Having great products and services doesn’t hurt, either.
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