Year: 2011

  • Leadership is Responsibility

    There are 4 simple concepts to a true leadership in an organization. A leader has followers. Popularity is not leadership, results are. Leaders are highly visible, and set examples. Leadership is not defined by rank, pay, benefits, or titles. Drucker recounts a high school history teacher characterizing World War I as a “War of Incompetence”…

  • The Cynic is a Cancer in Your Organization

    The effective leader and manager is a realist. But no one is less realistic than the cynic. The cynic is a cancer in your organization. The cynic will always be a victim of circumstances and the creator of excuses, but never the leader who will inspire his staff to achieve that which has not been…

  • Effective Employee Service Coaching Tips

    Employee coaching is the business art of helping each individual employee not only fulfill their responsibilities, but also be able to master their role within the organization. It may also be the most effective way to ensure that each employee is progressing in their role and are not becoming stagnant in the workplace. Coaching is…

  • Effective Management Is The Key to Exceptional Service Performance

    There may be an extraordinary phenomenon that happens within the industry world. Dave Thomas has mentioned this for years in his basic creating expertise presentation, supported by the following quote: Interestingly enough, a friend of mine (who is a quality control manager in a hospital) often makes identical statements in reference to doctors: Polite requests, coercion, etc.…

  • 5 Ways to Guarantee Customer Service Failure

    No one wants to fail. There are 5 ways to guarantee customer service failure. Any time there is a change in customer service management, there’s the potential for failure. This is especially true when you convert a customer service team member into a customer service manager in a company. Will they be able to manage the customer…

  • Layoff Coming? 3 Things To Do About It.

    In an economic downturn, and when most companies face a decline in business, most managers and company owners see employees as a big cost. The temptation to lay off staff in order to cut wages in order to save the company money is there. There’s no denying it. The problem with this solution is that…