Winning Customers by Transforming the Service Experience

Customer Experience Strategies, Insights, and Best Practices for Service Leaders and Professionals

  • How To Implement and Boost Self Service Adoption

    Today’s customers are increasingly more mobile and technologically-connected. Self-service customer service is a critical component of today’s mobile and instantly connected customer. This higher level of customer engagement requires us to establish the right framework within our customer contact channels to deliver service in the way that our customers want and when they want it.

  • How To Create a Winning Customer Service for Your Business

    A winning customer service is the most important tribute to the success of any business. If your customers are left with a bad taste in their mouths, your business is going to suffer in a big way. Ask any corporation or small/medium size business how important customer service is, they’ll tell you it’s everything. So,…

  • Identify Service Methods to Win Every Type of Customer

    Not every customer will respond to the same type of customer service. But it’s possible to win every type of customer with a win the customer strategy. If your company wants to win the customer over to the ranks of loyalty, it needs to identify the service methods that will be most effective for the…

  • How to Win the Customer in Every Customer Service Situation

    Good customer service experiences are the foundation of any company that wants to win the customer. When it comes to good customer service, it seems like now more than ever, every business across every single industry is re-focusing on it, and prioritizing customer service ahead of all other issues.

  • Cloud Tools to Improve Your Great Customer Service Practices

    A recent survey from Harris Interactive found that the millennial generation isn’t as brand loyal as their parents and grandparents. They’d be at least somewhat likely to change brands of a product or service if the new company provided additional ways to connect with them.

  • Top 7 Ways To Make Customer Experience More Personal

    According to recent research, 78% of consumers reported that their most satisfying experience took place when a capable and competent service support representative answered their queries. Thus, it’s high time that you asked yourself: “Is my customer service good enough to support my brand development?”.

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